Still Waiting

I’m still waiting for my new doll. I think the Fedex package tracking system is both a blessing and a curse at the same time. I’ve known since I woke up this morning that my doll was loaded onto a delivery truck at 6:27am. It is now 2:27 in the afternoon! How weird that the minutes on both of those times are the same….creepy really. Anyway I would have expected her to be here sooner, but at this rate it looks like it will be close to 4-5pm until she arrives, as I’ve noticed from ordering things in the past that if the Fedex truck isn’t around the ‘hood before noon, then it isn’t going to be around until close to dinner time. :p

Strangely enough, I don’t remember being this obsessed about the arrival of my first doll. Maybe it was because I was busy with work so time passed faster, and maybe I didn’t torture myself with looking over “arrival threads” and other such nonsense in the interim. Or possibly it could even be that now that I know more about BJDs in general it is much more exciting. Whatever it is though, it is torture!