New Craft Book Arrived

While I was ordering my brother’s birthday gift on Amazon, I went ahead and ordered myself this adorable “Felt Friends from Japan” book. I think it was the felt fawn on the front that really sold it for me, but it also boasts 86 toys and accessories you can make yourself. I haven’t had a chance to make anything out of the book yet since I’m still trying to finish the miniature dishes I posted about earlier, but the book looks very promising

This book has a nice mix of toy patterns as well as accessory patterns for things like coin purses and such. Aside from having patterns to make all of the different kinds of toys, it also has pages of cutout guides for making your own felt applique badges to add to whatever you like. The sewing instructions have lots of pictorial diagrams on how to do things so it should be fairly easy to follow. It also dedicates a page to beginner info on how to do certain embroidery stitches that are used to embellish your felt toys, as well as other tips for beginners. There are also a heaping helping of beautiful, clear images of tons of the cute creations, so the book also has the addes bonus of being full of eye candy.