Going to be making a small adjustment to the blog name.

I just wanted to mention it here so nobody is caught off guard, but I plan to change the blog name to Little Stars slowly over the next week or so. I feel it better matches the blog which is mostly about dolls and dollhouses. Originally when I had first started this blog I had been into making my own handmade paper and stuff, hence the “paper” in “paper stars”. Now my paper crafting has taken a backseat to all of my doll clothing and miniature making. 🙂 This name change will also make the blog match better to the clothing line I started in my etsy shop as well. The last thing that will change is the site banner since it will be the most difficult part to edit.

Blog Changes – Anyone Can Now Comment!

I added a new CAPTCHA plug-in which will now allow non-registered users to comment without opening my blog up to spammers and spam bots. I realize CAPTCHAs can be annoying, but at this time it seems that this is the only way I can open my blog up for more conversation and still be free of spam. I want to make it clear though for all of you who have previously registered, you do not have to deal with the CAPTCHA when you are logged in, yay! So the incentive for creating an account is you don’t have to deal with CAPTCHA, and there are some other features you can make use of as well.

With all this said, please feel free to comment on things!! 😀 However if you are new to commenting your first comment must be approved by me (another spam prevention measure). Once you have your first comment approved you are golden to comment freely.