Little Rebel Seven Arrived!

I didn’t mention this earlier because I’ve just been so busy lately that I haven’t had the time to blog as much, but I managed to get in on the last Seven pre-order from Little Rebel earlier this month. He had been on my list of “do wants” for a while because he will be perfect for this character I have in mind that is a little bit sassy. XD Anyhow He arrived just this week and I thought I’d share some a couple arrival photos and some of my thoughts.


So, he arrived in a cute little red box all safe and sound with an authentication card. 🙂 My first impression on opening the package is that he looks even better in person! I can’t wait to try and give him a face-up but the weather here has been really poopy and rainy. Well that and I just had new flooring installed in my bedroom so I am also in the middle of trying to move all of my crap back into my bedroom along with keeping up with my comic and illustration work…so yeah…time, I need more of it. ^^;;


I wanted to see how the resin match was with my Dollstown elf girl in freshskin and I must say that the Seven head is a practically perfect match to Dollstown freshskin. My plan is to eventually get him a Dollstown 15 years boy body. I’m hoping I can accomplish that this year, but I am also saving a little stockpile of money in the hopes that Supia re-releases their boys again since I need a Zion to complete my “dream trio” of Mio, Seven and Zion. Of course I already have Mio, so I’m well on my way!

Ah, that reminds me…I’ve been ornery and I also ended up ordering a Buffdolls Unoa Zero headback, because yes, I’ve decided to take up the quest to assemble a Unoa Zero girl, ah hahaha…I’ll be keeping an eye out for Marion faceplates, and the Switch Humming Dolly Girl body will come with time, so really all I need to worry about there is getting the Marion faceplate.

Well that’s it for now! Back to work so I can afford all these dolls. *dies* XD