Laying out a 1:12 dollhouse quilt.

After finishing the bed mattress I got started on sewing the quilt that I want to go on the bed. I can’t believe how much time I spent just placing all of the squares until I felt I had proper balance. ^^; Anyway this is the final layout. It looks large right now because I allowed for a 1/4 inch seam allowance. Each square will be about 1 inch after sewn together.

Since laying it out, I already got started sewing it together. So far everything is going OK, but it’s being a lot more labor intensive than I had originally imagined. Also, despite measuring everything countless times and planning before any cutting began, somehow my quilt is winding up just a tad bit too long from the head to the foot of the bed. I think I’ll be able to work out all of the issues though when I sew on the backing, and it should still look cute. I can’t wait to get the bedding all finished, then I’ll have at least two pieces of finished furniture for one of the upstairs bedrooms and I should be able to take a few cute pics.

A sorta 1:12 scale mattress for a BJD tutorial

I call this a “sorta” mattress tutorial because I have left out some steps picture wise and also this may not necessarily be the best way to make a bed mattress, but it’s how I worked through some construction issues after making my 1:6 scale doll bed and mattress. I thought I would share my experiments just in case they might be helpful to others, as knowledge can always be built upon to create even greater things! If you happen to have some better ideas on mattress construction feel free to comment and share them! Anyway now on with the sorta tutorial!

Read the Tutorial

Chair Refurbishment Project

If you remember from a previous post, I said I was working on rehabbing a couple of pieces of dollhouse furniture. Well today I finally finished up the refurbishment on the chair and I feel I was pretty successful! It took a little experimentation to get it the way it is now, and it has a few flaws, but overall I’m pleased and I also learned a lot about making miniature furniture as well. You can read on behind the cut to see the different phases of construction and how I worked through some issues.

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Latest Project – Unoa Jeans

unoajeansworkSo, I’ve been working on a pair of Unoa sized jeans, and they have proven to be very frustrating. I am using the Unoa jeans pattern in Dolly Dolly 6 (The coordinate recipe thing). Anyway the instructions have you doing the waistband in a rather strange and fanciful way which I am still trying to wrap my head around. I gave up on trying to do the fly their way and just came up with my own way, which in the end made the waistband pattern piece too short, so I had to cut a new, longer one. My other issues with the jeans right now is that they are a little bit too big. I know that the Unoa dolls measurements are just a tiny bit bigger than the AE minis, so apparently that single centimeter in the hips matters just enough. :p

I really, really hate sewing jeans to be honest. I would much rather just buy them, but alas I lack the funds. Maybe I would like sewing jeans better if I had more practice with them so I could just belt them out like I do shirts. It would also probably help if I liked the material I was working with a little more. I picked the pale jean material up because it was on the remnants rack and the remnants were 50% off that day. Oh well, I should probably get back to work on these so I can actually finish them sometime this century. :p